Why Choose Us

Personalized Lesson Plans

Experienced teachers use Creative Curriculum® to customize lessons to your child’s academic strengths.

Play-Based Learning

Child-led activities engage children’s interests and allow them to develop their genius without set outcomes.

Social-Emotional Skills

Teachers use the Second Step® curriculum to model empathy, respect, sharing, and communication.

Daily Outdoor Play

Children have time to play outside every day, explore fun or messy materials, and tend to a beautiful garden.

Parent Communication App

The Brightwheel™ parent app connects you with photos, videos, and updates of your child’s day.

Expert Teacher Guidance

Rest assured all teachers have a Child Development Associate® (CDA) or Associates Degree.

How Old Is Your Child?


6 wks - 24 mths


2 - 3 Years


3 - 4 Years


4 - 5 Years